ACID cigars always create excitement for its unique and bold aromas that complement high quality tobaccos from Drew Estates. No other cigar comes close to these one-of-a-kind blends, aromas and shapes each ACID cigar provides. The tobaccos are cured in areas called cuarto aromaticos (aroma rooms) for months prior to rolling - these rooms are lined with over 150 different essential herbs, oils and botanicals imbued into the cigars over time. Handmade in Nicaragua with all natural ingredients, each ACID cigar size offers a distinct flavor and aroma.
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers
1/28/2015 4:37:02 PM
ACID is a well known name, due to it's widespread, and in my opinion, well deserved reputation. I'm not sure if I'd say "Infused" is the right word - this cigar is an experience in aromas and variety of tastes beyond anything I have ever smelled, much less smoked. If you're looking for something unique, or not sure where to start a new smoker, this is a great place to go.