Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars have been long applauded as the pinnacle of expertise and quality. Superlative craftsmanship is supported by deep heritage all in the service of delivering unforgettable moments of pleasure. Seamless wrappers, perfect burn, easy draw, relentless consistency, balanced flavor. Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers. Davidoff’s Anniversario Series features an Ecuadorian Connecticut-seed wrapper and offers a light, crisp taste with a rich tobacco flavor.
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers
1/29/2015 11:44:07 AM
The definition of exquisite, all of these cigars are consistent and quality smokes - light, mild - expensive maybe, but you get what you pay for, and I'll pay for Davidoff again and again. I bought a box of Anni NO 3s, but I've smoked every one at least once. That's my favorite size.