Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars have been long applauded as the pinnacle of expertise and quality. Superlative craftsmanship is supported by deep heritage all in the service of delivering unforgettable moments of pleasure. Seamless wrappers, perfect burn, easy draw, relentless consistency, balanced flavor. Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers. Featuring an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper, Millenium Blend releases a full-flavored, full-bodied smoke that's rich and satisfying. Davidoff’s Millennium Blend celebrates a transition -- a beautiful shift to to a new millennium filled with invigorating, fresh horizons. Years of expertise inform the selection of new types of tobacco and blends to create novel flavors that stimulate the aficionados of this new time.
Davidoff Millenium Blend Assortment Box: Contains 1 each of Millenium Blend Robusto, Lonsdale, Petit Corona, amd Piramides
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers
1/29/2015 12:39:10 PM
These are my favorite smokes; Medium cigars with a bit of spice, but not so strong. This is like my alternative to My Father, when I'm not feeling as full of a stick, because it's slightly less peppery and I always know what it's going to taste like. Plus it looks classy with the simple double band.