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Davidoff Cigars Puro d'Oro

The Puro d'Oro Series employs select Dominican long-fillers inside a special, dark and oily 'Yamasa' wrapper to deliver a complex yet balanced bouquet of coffee, spice, and toasted wood on the finish. Exceptionally pure and deeply rich, the Puro d’Oro blend was created using only the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. Puro d’Oro, launched in 2010, is the culmination of the longest cigar development in the history of Davidoff. Hendrik “Henke” Kelner, Davidoff's Master Blender, spent more than 10 years growing and perfecting the outstanding Davidoff Yamasa wrapper exclusively for this series.

    The Puro d'Oro 4 pack Sampler provides 1 of each stick:
    - Davidoff Puro D'Oro Notables
    - Davidoff Puro D'Oro Magnifico
    - Davidoff Puro D'Oro Eminentes
    - Davidoff Puro D'Oro Gigante

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Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers



    1/29/2015 12:31:48 PM

    I'm not a big fan of Davidoff - they're too mild for me, though they're exceptionally consistent. So when I picked up this Puro d'Oro, I didn't expect much. I was surprised, however - this is definitely a medium to full bodied smoke, and has an excellent flavor similar to the description - Woody, coffee, and a smooth creaminess. Definitely will buy again, but probably singles.

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