Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars are high in price and high in quality. Each one looks stunning and burns like a dream. Seamless wrappers, perfect burn, easy draw, relentless consistency, balanced flavor. Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers. The Signature Series utilizes a flawless Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and a series of small-ring sizes to create a mild, but highly enjoyable experience that's refined and delicate
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers
1/29/2015 11:52:58 AM
Davidoff is my boyfriend's "go to" brand, so I bought him a box for our 5 year anniversary. He LOVED them. He said they were the smoothest, most mild cigar he'd ever had, and he wanted to know where I'd got them. I just told him I bought them online, 'cause I didn't want him to know the price. Totally worth it.