Liga Privada T52 cigars are luxurious, full-bodied smokes designed for cigar smokers who appreciate robust, complex cigars. The core is blended with Nicaraguan, Dominican and Honduran longfillers bound by a zesty Brazilian leaf. But the piece de resistance is the U.S.-grown stalk cut Habano-seed oscuro wrapper. The result is a leaf that's more intense in flavor and richer in oils. The smoke teems with creamy flavors of wood, espresso, peppery spices and sweet tobacco.
The T52 sampler includes: 1 Liga Privada T52 Belicoso; 1 Liga Privada T52 Robusto; 2 Liga Privada T52 Toros; 1 Liga Privada T52 Corona Doble
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers