The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series line of cigars was introduced in 1994 to commemorate the company's 30th anniversary.
Maduro: Made in Nicaragua by a highly-respected cigar family with a fine Cuban heritage. The Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is one of the most exquisite tasting and all-around 'awesome' full-bodied cigars you'll ever smoke. Much richer and sweeter than the 1964 Natural, the Maduro presents a complex tapestry of flavors with traces of coffee bean, cocoa, and hazelnut. Handmade with 4-year-aged all-Nicaraguan tobaccos, these rare, box-pressed premiums are some of the world's most highly-rated and memorable cigars.
Natural: Sought for their flawless construction, mouthwatering wrappers and robust, dark tobacco flavor with traces of cocoa and coffee bean, these rare, box-pressed, puros made with 4 year-aged tobaccos, rank among the top of the world's best cigars. A specially designed double band features an individually numbered label to guard against counterfeiting.
The new 2017 Soberano and Presidente Tubos uses square aluminum tubes for the box pressed 1964 Anniversary line.
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