The Sencillo Platinum has a big, mouthwatering taste and delivers a smooth smoke. These cigars were produced by Christian Eiroa in Honduras for Keith K. Park. This delectable new blend uses Habano de Jamastran tobacco for its wrapper, filler and binder, with Piloto Cubano tobacco added to the filler to balance out the flavor.
Recommended by 100% of reviewers | Rated a "Good Value" by 100% of reviewers
1/30/2015 11:48:14 AM
I usually smoke Davidoff so when I wanted to try something new, I emailed the guys @ Anthonys and surprisingly, they recommended me to these Sencillo Platinums. I was surprised, to be honest, that they would recommend such a cheap stick as an alternative to Davidoff. I was expecting to pay another $15 per stick to even get close to Davidoff. I was suspicious, but the guys at ACE haven't steered me wrong yet, so I decided to risk it and buy a box. Believe it or not, this is probably the closest thing to a white label Davidoff I've ever smoked. It's incredibly smooth and consistent - though some of the sticks out of the box had some burn issues, I really can't complain for half the cost of my usual Gran Cru No. 4s. If you like Davidoff, you need to try these.