All of our in stock Warped, all in one place!Cuban cigars are often hailed as the greatest in the world, and many "New World" blenders attempt to capture that "Cuban-esque" flavor. While some brands can get close, few have had the ability to get those sought after notes like Warped cigars.The new Isla Del Cocodrilo (named after the crocodilian shape of Cuba) is one of those classic profiles that so many brands seek to reach in their cigars. Using a complex blend of Ecuadorian, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan tobaccos, these cigars are made for the most discerning of aficionados, while still holding enough consistent flavors for those just getting into higher quality sticks.These cigars were showed off at the PCA and have been highly anticipated since. As one of the best and most sought after boutique brands, Warped Cigars has created another masterpiece with the Isla Del Cocodrilo.