| Davidoff Cigars Yamasa The Davidoff Yamasa is the latest creation from Davidoff Master Blender Henke Kelner that was 20 years in the making. Davidoff has been researching the soils and testing tobacco for two decades from the Yamasá region in central Dominican Republic located about 20 miles north of the capital, Santo Domingo. Previously it had used a Yamasá wrapper in its full-bodied Puro d’Oro line. It took many years because the region was deemed unfriendly to tobacco cultivation due to its low pH soils. However, Davidoff continued to tinker with growing in the area, considering it a region untapped, with ideal climate, soil rich in minerals but lacking pH count.
Kelner and his team would further enrich the soil, raising the pH levels suitable for growing tobacco. They conditioned the soil by adding calcium carbonate, agricultural lime and slaked lime/dolomitic lime. This they did at intervals of every two months, by hand and to each and every single tobacco plant, then once a month, before transplanting. Henke Kelner didn’t rely on science. He relied on his own expert intuition.
They then worked to find the best three seeds out of 30 and opted to use only 21 of the 100 hectares available for planting. The Davidoff Yamasa uses a wrapper and San Vicente binder from the region, along with a filler blend from the Esteli and Condega regions of Nicaragua married with a Dominican piloto and mejorado tobaccos. The Davidoff Yamasa is a full-bodied cigar and packaged with a black label like the Escurio and the Nicaragua.
From Davidoff: “This exciting cigar presents the aficionado with an appetizing appearance, in color, shine and oiliness. Davidoff Yamasa immediately introduces notes of spice, leading to notes of nut,coffee, cedar wood, earth and black pepper. The elegant, aged Dominican filler tobaccos, the strong Yamasa binder and sophisticated Yamasa wrapper, complimented by the sweetness of the Condega and spiciness of the Esteli filler tobaccos. All of this combined perfectly to provide an entirely new, stimulating taste experience.” |