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Davidoff Cigars 702 Series

Iconic Davidoff formats are now available with a dark and bold select wrapper amping up the strength and body while keeping their legendary smoothness and finesse and creamy texture. Davidoff master blenders have taken the challenge to reimagine and reinvent select formats in the Signature and Aniversario series, giving them an exciting twist with the legendary 702 Ecuadorian wrapper, born from the hybrid of three Cuban ‘Habano’ seeds. . It is grown exclusively for Davidoff at the San Juan finca, which is nestled in the Andes foothills in Ecuador’s province of Cotopaxi. The ash from the legendary volcano makes the soil exceptionally fertile. The rich soil and natural cloudiness of the region provide the perfect conditions to nurture the seeds for this gleaming wrapper leaf with its luxurious silky texture.

While the filler and binder tobaccos on these treasured classics remain untouched, the ‘Connecticut’wrapper from Ecuador has been changed to the 702 ‘Habano’ wrapper. The Signature 2000 that is filled with fresh floral scents that mingle with earthy, woody notes, and reveal a hint of sweetness, now delivers deep flavors of coffee, wood and leather with a creamy aftertaste. The Aniversario Double R, Aniversario No. 3, Special T, and Special R that we know and love for their exquisite aroma and carefully balanced blend of tobaccos, are now intensified with a bolder taste experience while maintaining their singular refinement.